Anuário Brasileiro da Pecuária 2017 - page 8

s if all challenges inherent to
beef cattle farming and dairy
operations were not enough
in a nation of continental di-
mensions like Brazil, the year
2017 brought unexpected and surprising
adversities outside the jurisdiction of the
one of the giant companies in this area trig-
gered seismic shocks to the businesses, and
forced leaderships and authorities to act in-
telligently and fast toward clarifying public
opinion and, especially, clients and home
and abroad. As it has occurred inmany oth-
er circumstances, transparency in the rela-
tionship with the market and the reliabili-
ty acquired by the segments once again set
the tone. Businesses were resumed, almost
at their normal levels.
It is with this frame of mind that beef
cattle farming continued operating, pro-
ducing and trading at midyear. With the
largest commercial herd on the planet,
Brazil also ranks first in beef exports, serv-
ing more than a hundred countries with
high quality products and regular supplies.
The fact that cattle in Brazil, almost in their
entirety, are kept onpasture is a differential
that prevails in a market eager for protein,
and with a reduced area for cattle.
The impact of the trade oscillations
upon the dairy operations was not differ-
ent. Fourth largest producer of dairy prod-
ucts, Brazil displays levels of excellence in
its structures,withhighlyprofitablebreeds,
which produce food of the best quality. Al-
though dairy exports are still running far
behind beef exports, milk is strategic, and
it is not difficult to figure out why. Essential
food at the dinner table of theBrazilian and
global population, it calls for timely cam-
paigns encouraging its regular and rising
For their economic and social reach,
beef and dairy cattle operations prevail
over the horizon from North to South and
East to West. Other agribusiness segments
are chained to them, as is the case of soy-
bean and corn, essential components in
livestock feed. In towns and countryside,
the identification of the Brazilians with cat-
tle farming goes back a longway, andnoth-
ing suggests that this relationship will suf-
fer any changes.
This is the sector that the 2017 Brazil-
ian Cattle Yearbook outlines in detail, in
its production and market panorama. Not
only because of their relevance in the trade
balance, but also for their cultural side,
beef and dairy products are part of Brazil-
ian people’s lifestyle froman early age, and
throughout the entire existence. Therefore,
there is need to keep a closewatchonwhat
is the best for these activities. What is good
for them, is good for Brazil.
Happy reading!
Questions outside
the sector’s jurisdiction
hinder businesses in 2017,
but themeat andmilk
supply chains outweigh
their disadvantages
and keep going
Sílvio Ávila
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