he expansion of the fields fo-
cused on the production of
seeds, a fact that should raise
the availability of this input,
and the perspective for new
markets for the product, are some of the
perspectives of the Brazilian seed sec-
tor for 2017. There is consensus between
specialists and entity representatives that
there is no competitive agriculture with-
out the use of high quality seed. However,
there is no way producing seeds of such
quality if no organized system is delineat-
ed, involving all the stages from produc-
tion to processing and commercialization.
Within this context, the use of certi-
fied seed or seeds protected by legislation
is an assurance of success in the estab-
lishment of productive crops. Production
without the need for strict control would
be an ideal situation, based on the con-
science and responsibility of the seed pro-
ducers and the consumers. For 2017, the
Rio Grande do Sul Association of Seed Pro-
ducers and Traders (Apassul) had planned
the development of activities intended to
boost seed sales, especially certified seed
and with proven physiological quality.
“We are focused on the future of the
seed as an indispensable and live input
for the establishment of a crop with the
target to produce quality and be pro-
ductive”, says Eduardo Loureiro da Sil-
va, administrative director at Apassul.
In his view, it is necessary to plan and
work hard, with an eye on the sustain-
ability of the sector and the permanence
of the people involved in seed agribusi-
ness. “To this end, one question is essen-
tial: we need to boost the quality of the
seeds, both from a germination and vig-
or point of view and their physical puri-
ty and soundness, without overlooking
their packaging, seed uniformity and in-
dustrial treatment (TIS)”, he explains.
The financial move-
ment of the corn seeds in the 2016/17
crop year, including the summer and
winter crops, reached R$ 7.2 billion, out-
stripping the R$ 5 billion in the previous
period, according to data from the São
Paulo Association of Seed and Seedling
Producers (APPS).
Inor Ag. Assmann