Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2016 - page 26

obacco is good for those who produce this crop. This is attested by a
study conducted by the Center for Studies and Research in Administra-
tion (Cepa) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Ufrgs), from 29
August to 16 September 2016, on the Socioeconomic Profile of the Tobac-
co Farmers in South Brazil. At the request of the Interstate Tobacco Indus-
try Union (SindiTabaco), the survey included 15 of the 21micro-regions where tobac-
co is grown in this big region, comprising 94.3% of the total produced in this region,
which, in turn, accounts for 97.5% of Brazil’s total production.
per capita incomeamonthamounts toR$1,926.73, while theBrazilianaverage, ingener-
al, remains at R$ 1,113.00. Therefore, they belong to the class with the highest econom-
ic status in Brazil, with 6% belonging to class A and 7.1% to class B1 (twice the amount
in general terms in the Country, with respectively 2.8% and 3.6%), besides 67.3% to
class B2, percentage four times bigger than the one ascertainedat national level (15.1%).
Therefore, more than 80%of thosewho produce tobacco are in the leading positions and
only19.6%inclassesC1, C2, C3andD, towhich, on the contrary, 80%of theBrazilian fit in.
With 3.43 people per household, the total monthly income of those who are de-
voted to the activity reaches R$ 6,608.70 (R$ 4,601.65 with tobacco), devoting 50%
to other crops (after the main crop, about 80% grow corn, black beans or soybean,
occupying the same area previously devoted to tobacco), while 39% have other in-
come sources. The homes of the tobacco farmers, almost in their entirety (99%), are
equippedwith electrical energy and on equal percentage, fridge, color television and
warmwater, at least for the shower. Other high levels identify the quality of life of the
tobacco farmers, like 97% with septic tank and 96% with running water, and wash-
ing machine, 89%with automobile, 61%motorcycles, 49% personal computer.
“When such a study is conducted with small-scale farmers, the expectation is
for finding financial results not so high, and even a more painful reality at produc-
tion”, comments Luiz Antonio Slongo, professor at Ufrgs and general coordinator of
the study. “Nevertheless, in fact and in positive manner, the high level of income of
the tobacco growers was surprising, and so was the expressive amount of material
goods, based on the availability of energy, like the washing machine (96%) , clothes
dryer (65%) and air conditioner (21%).” Likewise, what is also impressive is the high
degree of satisfaction (90%) ascertained in agricultural activities.
What cameas
a surpriseat
the surveywas
thehigh incomeof the
small-scale farmers
and theamounts
of goods theyown
life”, and 85% intend to continue growing tobacco. The choice for this crop has it foundation on several reasons: 90% for income assur-
ance, 89%because it is themost profitable, 88% for technical assistance, and 82%because it is covered by farm insurance. Technical as-
sistance is given to 98%of the interviewees, whilst 97%acquire certified seed and use tractors. Over the past 3 years, 87%of the farmers
took advantage of soil analyses and 79%do crop rotation in order to keeppests, weeds anddiseases at bay.
Other concerns detected by the study regarding the tobacco farmers point to interest in information. With 45%of the interviewees hav-
ing attended regular schools formore than 8 years, 98%of themconsider themselveswell-informed about safe harvesting techniques and
40%havehaddirect access toguidelineson ruralmanagement andadministration, thus seekingconstant improvements in their activity.
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