Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2016 - page 123

Pontos emdebate
ACOP7colocouempautaa ratificaçãodoprotocolo
sobre mercado ilícito de cigarros. No Brasil, ele trami-
ta no Congresso, e só coma autorização do Legislativo
o governo poderá ratificar o documento. São necessá-
rias assinaturas de 40 países para que entre em vigor.
No segundo semestre de 2016, 28 haviam feito a rati-
ficação. A expectativa é de que na COP8 o debate te-
nha evoluído e possa ser abordado com mais profun-
Outradiscussãoavaliouo impactodos cigarros ele-
te usado empaíses árabes, e as normativas específicas
paraeles. Debateu-seaindaaexibiçãodemarcas oude
publicidade nas carteiras de cigarros, cuja visibilidade
with regard to articles 17 and 18 of the Framework Con-
vention, which were the biggest cause for concern for the sector as
they address diversification and social and environmental ques-
tions related to tobacco farming, the document signed in New Del-
hi ended up pleasing the sector. Regarding incentive to diversifica-
tion, the COP7 recommends governments to opt for pilot-projects
with alternative crops, capable of bringing in revenue for the fami-
lies. It alsosuggestspublic financing tohelp farmers implement this
project. On the other hand, it suggests that countries where tobac-
co has never been produced should not start this crop, and guides
themto lend support and financial aid tonations interested inelim-
inating their tobacco farming activities.
In the view of the representative of the official delegation of the
Ministry of Agriculture, Sávio Pereira, this, in a way, reinforces Bra-
zil’s role in this segment. “No other country produces tobacco of
higher quality than Brazil. And the final stance of the COP7 has just
countersigned the importance of Brazil in this discerning market,
well-known for its liquidity”, he noted.
Another celebrated facet is the fact that the COP7 sets forth that
the government as awhole, and not only one or some of its organs,
should have a say when it comes to defining the priorities and pro-
grams associatedwith tobacco. Upuntil now, thepressures coming
from the health departments used to prevail. Now, representatives
fromthe departments of Agriculture, Foreign Affairs, Development,
Industry and Foreign Trade, Agrarian Development, Labor, among
others, should have amore active voice in the definition of policies
that involve tobacco.
tende a ser cada vez mais restringida, comadoção de embalagens genéricas, alémde limitação na exposição de imagens em
nos pontos de venda.
Já no que tange à ideia da criação de instância no âmbito da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para debater contenciosos en-
tre países, quando envolveremtabaco – hoje da alçada da OrganizaçãoMundial do Comércio (OMC)–, não houve avanço. O tema deve
voltar àpauta emfuturas edições, comanálises técnicasmais acuradas até lá. São todos assuntos quenão foramobjetode regulamen-
tação na Índia.
Debating points
COP7 put on the agenda the ratification of the protocol on the illicit cigarette trade. In Brazil, it is pending in Congress, and only under
approval by theCongress the government can ratify thedocument. For the ratification toenter into force, 40 countriesmust sign thedocu-
number of signatures tobe implemented.
Another debatewas on the impact of e-cigarettes, aswell as products like hookah, widely used in Arab countries, and the specific stan-
dards that apply to them. Other debates included the exhibitionof brandnames or publicity on cigarette packets, whose visibility tends to
be increasingly restricted,with theuseof plainpackaging, besides limits to theexposureof imagesondisplays insalesoutlets.
As to the creation of a district court in the scope of theWorld Health Organization (WHO) for solving the contentious issues among the
countries,whentobaccoisatstake, - nowunderthejurisdictionoftheWorldTradeOrganization(WTO)–hasnotseenanystepforwardyet.
The theme is supposed tobebackon theagenda in futureeditions,withmoreaccurate technical analysis. Theseare subjects thatwerenot
the focusof regulations at the Indiameeting.
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