Anuário Brasileiro de Sementes 2016 - page 18-19

Sílvio Ávila
Brazilian exports of
several types of seeds
brought in revenue
of US$ 147.902 million
in 2015, not as much as
last year, but opened
newmarkets overseas
“In my view, there are two alternatives
for the Brazilian seed sector to grow. One
is the international market, as there are
vast environments favorable to the pro-
duction of seeds and because the Coun-
try is located in the Southern Hemisphere.
The other alternative, the domestic mar-
ket, due to the higher quality of the seed,
associated with incentives or clarification
campaigns to the users”. This is the evalu-
ation by agronomist Rui Colvara Rosinha,
PhD in Economic and Entrepreneurial Sci-
ences, who has been in the sector for over
50 years. He adds, “it has been vastly prov-
en that quality seed, besides its genetic at-
tributes, is a factor of productivity “.
In 2015, sales abroad of several seed
species produced in Brazil totaled US$
147.902 million, according to data com-
piled in the Agrostat System of the Minis-
try of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Sup-
ply (Mapa). In 2014, revenue amounted
to US$ 171.576 million, outperforming
the following year’s revenue by US$ 23.6
million. Foreign sales amounted to US$
74.102 million January through July 2016.
On the other hand, the Country spent
US$ 122.709 million on seed imports in
2015, less than the US$ 143.912 million reg-
istered in the previous year. The purchases
of vegetable seeds worth US$ 71.979 million
represented almost 60% of the total imports
in 2015. From January through July 2016,
total seed acquisitions from abroad totaled
US$ 79.143 million, meaning a negative bal-
ance of 5.04 million from the same months
in the previous year. The balance was pos-
itive in 2014 (US$ 27.664 million) and in
2015 (US$ 25.192 million).
The subsectors of imported and ex-
ported seed are split into four groups of
products: other seeds, cereal seeds, vege-
table seeds, legume, root and tuber seeds;
and oilseeds for seeding. The seeds of
corn and tropical forage are the most rep-
resentative in any international transac-
tion. In the meantime, vegetable seeds are
of note, as far as imports go.
Corn seed shipments amounted to
US$ 71.37 million in 2015, up US$ 15.425
million from the previous year. Foreign
sales have reached US$ 34.327 million
from January to July 2016. In 2015, Vene-
zuela and Paraguay led imports with US$
21.407 million and US$ 18.39 million,
respectively. They were followed by the
United States, with US$ 12.356 million;
Colombia, with US$ 6.56 million; and Ec-
uador, with US$ 4.358 million.
In 2015, the Brazilian states that nego-
tiated the biggest values of corn seed were
Goiás (US$ 28.621 million), Minas Gerais
(US$ 16.619 million), São Paulo (US$
15.278 million) and Paraná (US$ 8.727 mil-
lion). Minas Gerais produces huge amounts
of seed corn in Brazil, contributing with 40%
to 50% of the national volume, depending
on the source of information. Goiás is the
second biggest producer of this input.
The volume of forage crops
Exports of tropical forage seeds have also contributed towards the positive balance of trade of the seed sector. In 2015, according to the
numbers released by the Agrostat/Mapa System, the shipment of 8.551 thousand tons of seeds brought in revenue of US$ 47.081 million.
It was down US$ 28.041 million from 2014, with similar volumes of 8.618 thousand tons. January through July 2016, shipments totaled
5.461 thousand tons and US$ 25.182 million, in that order.
A total of eight American countries accounted for the purchases of a huge portion of the forage seed in 2015. In descending order, we
have Colombia (US$ 8.234 million), Venezuela (US$ 7.512 million), Mexico (US$ 5.143 million) and Panamá (US$ 4 million). The State that
registered the biggest results was São Paulo, with revenue of US$ 31 million and shipments of 5.653 thousand tons.
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